p.s: last week my lecturer already warning us. no next lab if we do not pass up our report first!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
a bit stress at the moment since tomorrow's morning i have to force myself to enter the chemistry lab...hate do the things in the lab bring a big impact to me...what was the big impact?the big impact is i have no feeling to settle my lab report for the last week lab...gilow x?esok pagi2 pkol 8 aku ada lab tapi until now i still not finish my work yet...kalo dah ada perasaan tak suka tu kan, kasi la lecturer or lab assistant ganteng camne pon still x jalan lah....x suke la subject nie...aku nye daya imaginasi skrg ni dah lemah so nak imagine structure tu memang sukar lah
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Benefits of getting sick
after about 25 minutes enjoying shower~~
Aku mahu mobil yang besar
Aku mahu rumah yang besar
Aku mahu upah yang besar
Wang untuk berbelanja
Aku mahu impian besa.....wehee~~my phone ringing lorh
me: ello
me:opsss...hehe...waalaikumusalam mummy (senyum sendiri..haa kan dh terkene..belagak lg)
caller:btol ke che sue sakit gigi?
me:uiks...mane tau ni?
caller:abe yie oyak sakni...dio tepon ko mok oyak che sue sakit gigi jak semale...doh gano doh tu?
me:emmm...gitu ah...sakit...denyut2...sakit bawoh gigi...kt gusi tu...sakit pah ko palo...td dah kumur ngan air garam...emm ok la ckit...kurang dh ckit sakit nye tu...tp masih sakit lagi laa...nok mok!
caller:oloh....ngado sokmo kalu sakit...br ckit jah tu...sabar la ckit...dugaan la tu....ko make cekelak byk sgt nie? (eh, tau2 je mak aku nie)
me:hehe....dah org kasi...xkan x mkn lak....x baik tu...org kasi kene hargai...so, cara menghargai adalah dengan memakan pemberiannye itu...hehe (gelak2 manje ckit ngan mamiku sayang)
**kedengaran suara kanak-kanak ribena yang sedang berusaha mendapatkan gagang telefon
baby am:che sue!!!! (huh...bingit tinge aku seyh)
baby am:cha nih...cha nih...
me:ye sayang....baby buat ape tu?
baby am:oasis...awoh wa bak
**tgk channel oasis....alhamdulillah...our tomorrow's ustaz rock
me:baby make doh?nenek suap?
baby am:miyo...tok ki...tok ki aumm (atuk die=ayah aku bwk die round2 ngan motor la tu..rutin pg2)
baby am:**ckp ape ntah...aku xleh tangkap...x phm sgt....ckp byk tapi sorry la che sue x reti sgt bahasa baby...nnt kalo cuti, che sue cuba mendalami bahasa baby ek....
**back to my mum....haha...since raye dah dekat ape kate kite berbincang mengenai topik raye...menarik lg deboom tu...aish..rancak lak borak...td kate sakit gigi..opss...haha...xde la...dengar suare2 org dirindui ni kadang tu leh jd penawar gak..seyes...btol...kenyataan...mujarab gak la...
baby am bising and sebok je nak join che sue ngan nenek...hehe...sweet btol dgr suara baby jerit2 mengamuk manje gitu...miss U baby...geram nak pelok2 and kiss die...
mok:ok lah lan kali pulop....amsyar dh mengamuk kat tok ki die tu...tok ki ado kijo nok wak...ho ingat tu...bo make cekelak byk2...ckit2 jah...doh la koho gemuk loni...(oshhh...mak ku...sampai hati ckp anakanda bongsu ni gemox)
me:baik......okey mum...thanks call...doakan anak bongsu sehat sokmo deh?hehe
mak:emm x yoh doa xpo..meme sehak sokmo doh anok bongsu ni...dih?
me:alaaa...bkn sehat tu...sembuh sakit gigi ni ha...
mak:g la klinik...kalu keno cabut, cabut la...x soh duk sipe la kalu wat nyusah gak...
me:emmm...yo lah...kem salam pelok ciom kat baby amsyar tau....bye2 mok...assalamualaikum
mak:insyaAllah....ok la...jago diri molek....waalaikumusalam
p/s:hari ni aku bahagia...pagi tadi dah dapat phone call dari jauh...thanks abang..hehe...pas mandi my beloved mum lak call...wehee....tetibe ilang sikit rase sakit kt gusi aku ni...terima kasih kat orang yang sudi call aku....okes...going to continue my work...nak wat reference utk report about webinar
gembira dalam kesakitan
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Thanks God
what can i said is just...I'm free!!!
can't share this feeling...only me myself know how free i am...to be honest, i just pretend nothing happen between both of us...*identity beliau terpaksa dirahsiakan...untuk kebaikan kami berdua...
kenal tp mcm x kenal...dan aku pulak, name je satu skolah tp harem aku x kenal die..sorry bkn aku sombong tp aku ni jns manusia yg susah nak buat kwn...dah kwn, mmg susah nak lupe la...tp nk start mmg sukar tahap dewa la...aku cam ssh gile nak say hi kat org yg aku x penah kenal...so, it's true me
die start contact aku last year after kitorg ade reunion geng2 high school (TMS) on July if i'm not mistaken...1st die send msg thru friendster then die start nk jd friend aku kt FS...aku ok je...x kesah...after period of time, he request to add me as his friend in his ym friend's list...he add me, i just accept him and since there, we always chit chatting...talking about our own life...he got lots of things to share with...aku dgn rela hati dgr and pengalaman die best la penuh cabaran dan rintangan...even problem yg agak peribadi pon die sudi share ngan aku...ade gak la part yg die mengadu "something" about his life...xley nk gtau kat sni....too personal...
ym, ym and ym...after long time communicate thru ym, he asked me to gv him my phone number..as friend, i dont think i cant gv it to him...ala...kwn2 nak no. phone kan?normal la tu....start from that moment onwards, he became more caring...like a caretaker...dah la mase tu aku lonely...i'm all alone on that moment...aku dah rase pelik di situ tp x pk yg bukan2...open lagi la...aku mmg terima kasih byk2 kat die time tu....die mmg amek berat psl aku....x sangke gak la org laki mcm die leh caring mcm tu skali kt aku...sedangkan die x kwn sgt ngan gurls lain...aku dpt info ni pon drpd junior2 die yg stdy same2 ngn die kt INSTEP...junior ke?xla...same batch...cuma bdk tu muda setahun drpd die...aku pon jd rapat gak ngan bdk tu...mane x nye...most of the nite duk kakak kakak! kakak suke *** *** x?aduhai...akak xley jwb tu la dik oi...huhu..just forget about it...tp mmg geng2 diorg agak pelik la die duk ym ngan "a gurl"..x penah2 la kot kes ni berlaku...huhu...
in short, die ade la hint2 yg die ala2 suke aku..*blushed...wehee~~
tp aku x kenal sgt ngan die and i'm not a risk taker ok...lg pon..hati aku x stable sgt time tu..mcm dh blocking dh time tu...aku sedih gak la...tp aku x de la tolak die mentah2 mcm aku dh penah buat kt someone b4 this (during my school time)...tu zaman kanak2 riang..x pk perasaan org lain...bantai jerk xnak terima org...bkn jual mahal ok!just time tu aku xtau ape itu CINTA...
utk tidak wat org terus mengharap, aku buat citer yg aku in a relationship with someone padahal mase tu aku dh break dh pon...sori la...tu mmg aku tipu...dan tu la yg buat aku rase bersalah ya amat...tp aku tipu pon utk kebaikan semua pihak...aku tanak die kecewa at the end...aku bkn x suke die...suke je..tp just suke utk buat kwn...kenot more than a friend la...sejak tu die mule menjauhkan diri...obviously lak tu....mmg nmpk la...may be sbb die x bese nk handle feeling2 nie...
lame gak la die senyap...tetibe die muncul kembali mcm xde pape yg terjadi...emm...aku try la buat mcm xde pape gak...serius, lame beb die majok ngan aku..aduhai...kental gak la die ni...aku msg x lyn tu...aduh...aku mmg rase bersalah gile r time tu...tp xkan nk tarik blk kot statement rekaan aku semat-mata tu lak kan?kenot!
last 3-4 months die ade berterus terang sesuatu kt aku..thru ym...mse tu die kt Perhentian Island...diving...die bgtau actually dh lame die usha aku...since form 2..tp x berani nk tegur...die ckp dulu aku slalu wat muke ketat..sekali sekale senyum manis gak la...aummm...kembang gile aku time tu...haha....koya2..ok2...back to the story...kitorg dh ok time tu...die x marah aku dh kot time tu...last month, die ade call aku..siap pinjam no maxis kwn die lg tu...die pakai celcom...cost ckit la contact aku kan..since aku kan pelanggan setia maxis...huhu...die top up RM30 kot...die kol aku 3 kali kot...1st tu jap je...yg 2nd and 3rd tu lame r...yg last call dlm sejam lebey gak la...he wants to settle everything with me...tp still leh gelak2 lg la...die ade gak la ngadu psl back pain die tu...then aku duk pujuk2 gak la die g check kt doc...die duk asyik amek pain killer jerk...just utk tahan sakit je..pastu sakit lg..even duk dlm lecture hall pon die sakit2...kesian gak la...
pastu senyap...ade la comment2 thru FB..aku tanak la putus kawan terus kan...mcm x bgs gak kan putus kwn?for me la...dont know others...and surprisely, tonite he buzz me!
intro as usual...good sign!hehe...die ok...mcm xde pape jerk...tetibe die mintak permission aku nk tanye sesuatu..and more tu nak mintak pandangan and some advice...aku tye la skop ape kan?die jwb, psl tino laa...opsss...gurl??haha...yes!finally, he found someone...aku gembira die tanye aku psl gurl...even aku x confirm lg tino tu utk gf ke mak ke kakak ke nenek ke mak cik ke hape kan?tp seriously, deep into my heart keep saying that he opens his heart now...hehe...bla bla bla...aku just ckp la ape2 yg patut kan...tp ssh ckit la nk ajar coz aku side pompuan...mane la nk pro ngan bab2 nk pikat gurl nie...aku just ckp, kalo aku...aku tertarik kt guy yg ala2 caring gitu dan yg xmudah putus asa..that's the key word....for me la...
die blur coz die sgt x berani...dan aku ade gak mention yg actually the words "I Love You" is not the main idea...may be pendekatan lain lg berkesan....
dh lewat dh then die lapo nk carik kepsi...so die kuar...tetibe aku termenghayati lagu VE titled IZINKAN...ish...tgk2 kt lirik die tu cam sesuai je utk kwn aku yg sorang nie...then aku terus msg die...hehe..share this with him....who knows thru song, leh menambat hati sang puteri..kan?aku suke die jumpe org yg die suke....
p.s: semoga beliau menemui insan yg mampu membahagiakan dirinya...tiada yang lain, hasrat aku just nk tgk die bahagia....just that...dont give up my friend...
what can i said is just...I'm free!!!
can't share this feeling...only me myself know how free i am...to be honest, i just pretend nothing happen between both of us...*identity beliau terpaksa dirahsiakan...untuk kebaikan kami berdua...
kenal tp mcm x kenal...dan aku pulak, name je satu skolah tp harem aku x kenal die..sorry bkn aku sombong tp aku ni jns manusia yg susah nak buat kwn...dah kwn, mmg susah nak lupe la...tp nk start mmg sukar tahap dewa la...aku cam ssh gile nak say hi kat org yg aku x penah kenal...so, it's true me
die start contact aku last year after kitorg ade reunion geng2 high school (TMS) on July if i'm not mistaken...1st die send msg thru friendster then die start nk jd friend aku kt FS...aku ok je...x kesah...after period of time, he request to add me as his friend in his ym friend's list...he add me, i just accept him and since there, we always chit chatting...talking about our own life...he got lots of things to share with...aku dgn rela hati dgr and pengalaman die best la penuh cabaran dan rintangan...even problem yg agak peribadi pon die sudi share ngan aku...ade gak la part yg die mengadu "something" about his life...xley nk gtau kat sni....too personal...
ym, ym and ym...after long time communicate thru ym, he asked me to gv him my phone number..as friend, i dont think i cant gv it to him...ala...kwn2 nak no. phone kan?normal la tu....start from that moment onwards, he became more caring...like a caretaker...dah la mase tu aku lonely...i'm all alone on that moment...aku dah rase pelik di situ tp x pk yg bukan2...open lagi la...aku mmg terima kasih byk2 kat die time tu....die mmg amek berat psl aku....x sangke gak la org laki mcm die leh caring mcm tu skali kt aku...sedangkan die x kwn sgt ngan gurls lain...aku dpt info ni pon drpd junior2 die yg stdy same2 ngn die kt INSTEP...junior ke?xla...same batch...cuma bdk tu muda setahun drpd die...aku pon jd rapat gak ngan bdk tu...mane x nye...most of the nite duk kakak kakak! kakak suke *** *** x?aduhai...akak xley jwb tu la dik oi...huhu..just forget about it...tp mmg geng2 diorg agak pelik la die duk ym ngan "a gurl"..x penah2 la kot kes ni berlaku...huhu...
in short, die ade la hint2 yg die ala2 suke aku..*blushed...wehee~~
tp aku x kenal sgt ngan die and i'm not a risk taker ok...lg pon..hati aku x stable sgt time tu..mcm dh blocking dh time tu...aku sedih gak la...tp aku x de la tolak die mentah2 mcm aku dh penah buat kt someone b4 this (during my school time)...tu zaman kanak2 riang..x pk perasaan org lain...bantai jerk xnak terima org...bkn jual mahal ok!just time tu aku xtau ape itu CINTA...
utk tidak wat org terus mengharap, aku buat citer yg aku in a relationship with someone padahal mase tu aku dh break dh pon...sori la...tu mmg aku tipu...dan tu la yg buat aku rase bersalah ya amat...tp aku tipu pon utk kebaikan semua pihak...aku tanak die kecewa at the end...aku bkn x suke die...suke je..tp just suke utk buat kwn...kenot more than a friend la...sejak tu die mule menjauhkan diri...obviously lak tu....mmg nmpk la...may be sbb die x bese nk handle feeling2 nie...
lame gak la die senyap...tetibe die muncul kembali mcm xde pape yg terjadi...emm...aku try la buat mcm xde pape gak...serius, lame beb die majok ngan aku..aduhai...kental gak la die ni...aku msg x lyn tu...aduh...aku mmg rase bersalah gile r time tu...tp xkan nk tarik blk kot statement rekaan aku semat-mata tu lak kan?kenot!
last 3-4 months die ade berterus terang sesuatu kt aku..thru ym...mse tu die kt Perhentian Island...diving...die bgtau actually dh lame die usha aku...since form 2..tp x berani nk tegur...die ckp dulu aku slalu wat muke ketat..sekali sekale senyum manis gak la...aummm...kembang gile aku time tu...haha....koya2..ok2...back to the story...kitorg dh ok time tu...die x marah aku dh kot time tu...last month, die ade call aku..siap pinjam no maxis kwn die lg tu...die pakai celcom...cost ckit la contact aku kan..since aku kan pelanggan setia maxis...huhu...die top up RM30 kot...die kol aku 3 kali kot...1st tu jap je...yg 2nd and 3rd tu lame r...yg last call dlm sejam lebey gak la...he wants to settle everything with me...tp still leh gelak2 lg la...die ade gak la ngadu psl back pain die tu...then aku duk pujuk2 gak la die g check kt doc...die duk asyik amek pain killer jerk...just utk tahan sakit je..pastu sakit lg..even duk dlm lecture hall pon die sakit2...kesian gak la...
pastu senyap...ade la comment2 thru FB..aku tanak la putus kawan terus kan...mcm x bgs gak kan putus kwn?for me la...dont know others...and surprisely, tonite he buzz me!
intro as usual...good sign!hehe...die ok...mcm xde pape jerk...tetibe die mintak permission aku nk tanye sesuatu..and more tu nak mintak pandangan and some advice...aku tye la skop ape kan?die jwb, psl tino laa...opsss...gurl??haha...yes!finally, he found someone...aku gembira die tanye aku psl gurl...even aku x confirm lg tino tu utk gf ke mak ke kakak ke nenek ke mak cik ke hape kan?tp seriously, deep into my heart keep saying that he opens his heart now...hehe...bla bla bla...aku just ckp la ape2 yg patut kan...tp ssh ckit la nk ajar coz aku side pompuan...mane la nk pro ngan bab2 nk pikat gurl nie...aku just ckp, kalo aku...aku tertarik kt guy yg ala2 caring gitu dan yg xmudah putus asa..that's the key word....for me la...
die blur coz die sgt x berani...dan aku ade gak mention yg actually the words "I Love You" is not the main idea...may be pendekatan lain lg berkesan....
dh lewat dh then die lapo nk carik kepsi...so die kuar...tetibe aku termenghayati lagu VE titled IZINKAN...ish...tgk2 kt lirik die tu cam sesuai je utk kwn aku yg sorang nie...then aku terus msg die...hehe..share this with him....who knows thru song, leh menambat hati sang puteri..kan?aku suke die jumpe org yg die suke....
p.s: semoga beliau menemui insan yg mampu membahagiakan dirinya...tiada yang lain, hasrat aku just nk tgk die bahagia....just that...dont give up my friend...
Monday, July 13, 2009
My 1st Beau
yurp...he was my first beau....no others guy come and placed in my heart longer than him...my love, my friend, my playmate, and also my arch-enemy ;)
for real, he is my lovely lil bro....die lah org 1st yg panggil aku "kak sue"...kalo xde die, may be aku over manje kot..mane x nye...anak bongsu dlm family la katekan...syukur coz die wujud dlm hidup aku...die lah yg buat aku jd kental...tabah...cekal...sume la yg positif2 tu...ye la kan..kakak...takkan la nk tunjuk manje depan adik nye lak kan...ntah pape la kakak yg spesis camtu...x remaje langsung..wehee~~
during my childhood, he was the only one my playmate yg paling setia la ngan aku...got another one..tp abg aliff (actually younger than me, 18yrs old) x lame lepak ngan kitorg..die ikut papa and mama die pindah Melaka....ckmff gak la yg maintain until now.... :)
some pic of him
ketika zaman kegemilangan beliau ;)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
... and Million Words For LOVE
homies!!! hate this feeling but we still need that since to make sure we are always on the track missing and loving people that we love much ;)
Rindu Ana??? x payah... hari2 jumpe... ;) actually i miss the beach :)
eh anak sape nie? hehe... my hero!! miss his kiss and hugxx...miss him and my FAMILY

Wan Mohd Danish Akil; mewakili kaum keluarga ku di Kelantan... miss them too...one kiss for budok temox...muaxxx ;)

opssie.....also miss this guy... he's now enjoying his winter break @ Sydney and tomorrow he going to hv games...selamat berjaya abang...
No Words For Hate
Too many times i'm trying to blog something but i don't have any ideas since too many things happening lately. I just keep all things in my mind and trying to keep all those things save for long term memory. Hopes for the better life in the future. Forcing myself not think deeply about the things that happening in my life.
Bad thing that comes without "invitation". Kecuaian seseorang membawa padah dan terpaksa ditanggung bersama walaupun tanpa sezarah kerelaan. Nak mengamuk pun menda dah jadi. Yang penting jadikan teladan kepada sesiapa sahaja yang bergelar pemandu tak kira lah pemandu kenderaan 2 roda or 4 roda or beroda-roda. Semua kena hati-hati ketika memandu baik di jalan raya, jalan laut or udara. Kecuaian inilah yang boleh menyebabkan nyawa orang melayang. Kesian abg long. Kesayangannya kelukaan dan tercalar. Belum sempat sambut 1st birthday dah kena "cium" dengan pak cik mengong. Syukur Alhamdulillah kami tidak tercedera. Hanya tuhan saja yang tahu perasaan kami saat itu. Memang insaf.

My big bro's Civic

Ini yang buat my big brother mengamuk
Bad thing that comes without "invitation". Kecuaian seseorang membawa padah dan terpaksa ditanggung bersama walaupun tanpa sezarah kerelaan. Nak mengamuk pun menda dah jadi. Yang penting jadikan teladan kepada sesiapa sahaja yang bergelar pemandu tak kira lah pemandu kenderaan 2 roda or 4 roda or beroda-roda. Semua kena hati-hati ketika memandu baik di jalan raya, jalan laut or udara. Kecuaian inilah yang boleh menyebabkan nyawa orang melayang. Kesian abg long. Kesayangannya kelukaan dan tercalar. Belum sempat sambut 1st birthday dah kena "cium" dengan pak cik mengong. Syukur Alhamdulillah kami tidak tercedera. Hanya tuhan saja yang tahu perasaan kami saat itu. Memang insaf.
My big bro's Civic
Ini yang buat my big brother mengamuk
Tapi sy sangat bersyukur kerana Allah melindungi kami sekeluarga
My mum and sis Syirah in front while baby Amchaa at his feveret place (bahaya btol la bdk2 yg suke lepak kt tgh ni...kalo break emergancy, adohai...terhumban ke depan la mereka2)
Sunday, July 5, 2009
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