Tuesday, January 13, 2009


BUSY doing assignment and also BUSY doing homework
laa...dh namenye pelajar, normal r tu wat assignment and some sort of homework...x yah la nk merungut...x perlu (nada luar biase)...kalo nk merungut baik tak yah study...tlg mak kt umah lg bgs...hahaha...tlg habiskan beras mak....

back to the TOPIC
BUSY doing assignment
aaha...true but not totally...ha mcm mane tu?mcm nie citer die... i'm not actually doing it, but in the middle of doing it... Searching.. Reading.. Drafting.. all about journals and articles of Mathematics Education... dh muak dh bc wei

jerit dlm hati jerk...xpenah shout out pon...pengecut...hehe

reality was not really BUSY, just WORRYING

Lotsssssssss and lotssssssssssssss
wah byk btol ni...confirm x tipu...hehe

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